Residents encouraged to join in to light green for veterans
In honor of the upcoming Veterans Day holiday, the Town of Greenfield is participating in Operation Green Light for Veterans, a nationwide effort created by the National Association of Counties to support military veterans. The Town will illuminate its Town Hall building and its Veterans Park with green lights for the month of November this year.
The town is encouraging local businesses and residents to also participate, even if they can change one bulb in their home or business to a green bulb. Shining a green light, is intended to spark a conversation with friends, respect veterans and let them and their families know they are appreciated.
Greenfield honors veterans with a memorial in its Town Council room, and also has a centrally located ¼ acre park located on Route 9N called Veterans Park that features a flag, a monument and a gazebo. In addition, the town held its annual Veterans Tournament at Brookhaven Golf Course on August 28, which raised more than $6,000 for the Saratoga Veterans Agency and the Albany VA Medical Center.
The Town of Greenfield is home to 8,200 residents in Greenfield, Porter Corners, Middle Grove, Lake Desolation and Maple Ave. It spans more than 41,000 acres of land bordering the Adirondacks and is the largest town in Saratoga County, by square mile.