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Highway Department

Contact Info

Highway Garage Address:

409 Bockes Road
Porter Corners, NY 12859

Mailing Address:

Town of Greenfield
P.O. Box 10
Greenfield Center, NY 12833


  • Monday – Thursday
    6:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Use the online form below to Contact the Highway Department.

The Town of Greenfield Highway Department has a team of approximately 14 employees, overseen by the Highway Superintendent, which is an elected position. The department maintains most of Greenfield’s nearly 94 miles roadway, overseeing road repairs and improvements; winter snow and ice removal; and roadway safety features such as signs, striping and guard rails for our roadway network. Additional responsibilities include roadside vegetation control, roadside litter pick-up, drainage repairs and improvements, and bridge maintenance. In addition, Greenfield’s Highway Department oversees all of our Town facilities, including Town buildings and parks.

Highway Department Information Links

Contact the Highway Department

Highway emails and messages are monitored 24 hours, 7 days a week but in an emergency, please call 911.

Please see When to Contact the Highway Department.

Current News and Information

Adopt a Roadside

Did you know 24 town roads have been adopted as part of our Adopt-a-Roadside Program? Our program began in 1994 to help the Greenfield Highway Department keep town roadways free of trash and protect Greenfield’s water resources.

The town provides program guidance, safety vests and trash bags to participating groups. In addition, designation signs are placed at each end of the adopted roads. If you are interested in adopting a road, or donating to the program, contact Town Hall (518) 893-7604, ext. 103 for more information.

Construction Sign Permit


Driveway Permit

If you plan to construct or repair a driveway on a town road, you are required to have a driveway permit.

This permit is available below and when submitted will be shared with the appropriate parties for approval. Please note that the form must be submitted with a Plot Plan that shows the proposed driveway in order to be approved.

When the application is approved, you will receive an approved permit from the Building Department.

Click here to submit the driveway permit form online or to download and print.

View Typical Driveway Details

Garbage Can Placement/Other Personal Property

Please remember that all portable basketball hoops, garbage and recycling containers, and any other personal property should be kept in your driveway and NOT in the road.

The Town is not legally responsible for any damage to items placed in the Town right-of-way.

Mailbox Information

See the following link for tips for installing your mailbox. Mailboxes must meet the criteria set forth by the U.S. Post Office.

Report damage from snowplow:
As we do our very best to avoid mailboxes, it does occasionally occur that we hit them. If you believe our snowplow hit your mailbox please Contact Us. If we confirm we damaged the mailbox, we will replace it with a standard box and wood post.

Property or Roadside Digging (U Dig NY)

U Dig NY

If you need to dig anywhere on your property or near the roadside always call or click before you dig. Visit the U Dig NY website, for more information and easy links to get the information you need to stay safe. It is your responsibility.

Call 811 by telephone or visit

Report Street Light Outage

If you need to report a street light outage on a town road, fill out this form.

Road Resurfacing Information

In summer months our team will be working on road resurfacing, which includes culvert repair, ditch cleaning and paving. Please have patience while this work is going on, drive slowly and remember to be courteous to our workmen. Thank you. We want to make sure our crew and our residents stay safe!

Road resurfacing typically starts sometime beginning in May (weather permitting).

2022 Projects Completed

  • Porter Corners Rd. (9N to Hall Rd.)
  • White Oak Ct.
  • Pine Ridge Ct.
  • Locust Grove Rd. (Denton Rd. to Daniels Rd.)
  • Daniels Rd. (Locust Rd. to Braim Rd.)

2023 Planned Road Resurfacing Projects

  • Allen Rd. (Ballou to North Creek)
  • Kilmer Rd. (Berney to Boyhaven)
  • Brandell Ln.
  • Clinton St.
  • Daniels Rd. (9N to Locust Grove Rd.)
  • *Possibly Greene Rd. (Locust Grove Rd. to Wilton town line.)

Snow Information

Our Highway Department would like to share the following useful information for residents to review each winter:

  1. Per our Town Board order, please do not park or leave unattended vehicles, trailers or equipment in the road or within four feet of the pavement.
  2. Please do not push snow into or across the street, as it is against the law. (NYS Vehicle Traffic law Article 1219).
  3. Please do not let children play or build snow forts in or near the road.
  4. Please stand back 500 feet from snowplows as they back up often.
  5. If you put snow markers up please put them two feet back from the edge of the road.
  6. Please keep your garbage cans/recyclable cans in your driveway, not in the road. It is helpful, especially during winter months, if you bring the cans back to your house or garage as soon as possible after pick-up.
  7. You may want to wait until our snowplow goes by to clean the last few feet of your driveway. Please remember we often make several trips on the same road during larger storms.
  8. Remove all objects from the town “right of way” (25-30 feet from center line of road) as we are not responsible for damage to snow markers, trash or recycle cans, or portable basketball hoops) from the plow or snow from the plow.
  9. As we do our very best to avoid mailboxes, it does occasionally occur that we hit them. If you believe our snowplow hit your mailbox please Contact Us. If we confirm we damaged the mailbox, we will replace it with a standard box and wood post.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Town Cleanup Weekends

Greenfield typically holds Town Cleanup weekends twice a year to encourage townwide property cleanup. We hold one in the spring and one in the fall.

The cleanups provide residents with three days to bring items to the Highway Department garage at 409 Bockes Rd. Residents with a town resident card may drop off household items, furniture, light scrap metal, empty and dry paint cans, as well as computer equipment and electronics for recycling. No tires, household garbage, yard debris or hazardous wastes will be accepted. Resident cards can be obtained at Town Hall with a valid driver’s license and utility bill. Residents with tires to recycle can participate in Saratoga County’s Spring Tire Recycling program each year.

Town Road Specifications

The specifications for the construction of Town Roads is detailed in the Town of Greenfield’s Town Code Ch 90, Attachment 4.

You may find the following documents helpful:

Town, State, and County Roads in Greenfield

Who maintains our roads?

Saratoga County
The County DPW maintains 25.21 center lane miles (total length and lane count) in Greenfield, which include the Greenfield portions of Lake Desolation Rd., North Creek Rd., Middle Grove Rd., Spier Falls Rd. and Wilton Rd.

NY State
The NYS DOT maintains 8.74 center lane miles in Greenfield, which includes 9N and Maple Ave.

The Town Highway Department maintains the remaining 93.90 center lane miles.

Private Roads
There are approximately 30 private roads in Greenfield. These are not maintained by the Town of Greenfield.

Town Highway Department Voucher

Please complete the voucher form to receive payment from the Town of Greenfield Highway Department.

Click here to download the voucher form.


Utility Construction Permit


When to Contact the Highway Department

Call us or use the online contact form to report:

  • Trees and other objects that are obstructing our town roads
  • Dead animals on our town roads
  • Report missing road signs

We can also provide contacts at the state and county level.

Unclear which roads are state, county or town?
See Town, State, and County Roads in Greenfield

Newsletter Sign Up

Town of Greenfield Logo
Town Hall Address

7 Wilton Road
Greenfield Center, NY 12833

Town Hall Hours

Monday – Thursday: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM


Please check department pages for hours by department.

Contact Info

Mailing Address

PO Box 10
Greenfield Center, NY 12833

© 2025 Town of Greenfield. All Rights Reserved.