It is a common complaint. “My road is unsafe.” We understand where you are coming from.
Please understand that New York State sets speed limits. Our Highway Superintendent & Town Board requested that the state reduce 14 of our road speed limits two years ago and are awaiting their consideration. The town is also unable to add speed bumps, due to snow clearing and driver safety.
So what can you do?
- Notify a law enforcement agency (Sheriff or State Police) and encourage them to monitor it.
- Write your legislators. Our area legislators are included in our Town Hall phone directory, which is also on the town website (on the Clerk’s page).
- Notify our Highway Superintendent and Town Supervisor, as they monitor complaints and keep leaders informed as necessary.
Sometimes if there are numerous complaints we can use our radar speed signs, which can help remind drivers to keep their speed in check.
Weight limit restrictions are set by the Town Board. Contact our Highway Super-intendent to inquire about this. Please note that the town cannot police weight restrictions. This can only be handled by law enforcement.